University Survival Tips

Hello again,

Now I’m in my second year of university and I’ve had a full year of uni experience, I thought I’d share some of the things that kept me sane throughout my first year away from home. If you didn’t know, I moved from Cornwall to London to study Journalism at LMU.

Personalise your room

This one is so important. When I moved in to my room the first thing I did was rearrange all the furniture to how I wanted it and changed the horrid red curtains and bed sheets for ones I bought myself. Other things that I used to decorate my room are fairy lights and LOTS of candles. If your room looks dull and boring then you’ll feel dull and boring when you’re in it.

Eat proper homemade food

Anyone that’s been to university will know how easy it is to put on weight or just become really unhealthy. Not only is it better for your diet but it’s also a lot better for your budget to stop eating so many takeaways. I’ve seen so many people run out of money really quickly because they’ve spent all of their money on takeaways and alcohol. It’s so much cheaper to just cook food yourself.

Give yourself down time

…i.e. alcohol free time. Freshers is intense and can take its toll on you. Freshers’ flu is REAL. It’s so important to give yourself time to recover from nights out or long weeks at uni. I cherish the days where I can stay in bed past 7:30am and do nothing. Giving yourself time to recharge is so important. It’s also really nice to turn up to a lecture fully awake and hangover free.

Stay organised

University can feel really overwhelming at times, especially when you’ve got deadlines coming up for all of your modules. I’m a person that likes to stay really organised. One of the ways I do this at home is having a big wall calendar above my desk so I can see how close deadlines are and I can easily remember any important dates. It just makes sure I don’t forget anything important.

Don’t clean up after other people

I used to clean my kitchen regularly even though it wasn’t me leaving food all over the over or blocking up the sink. I thought it was easier to just clean up every time I wanted to cook but eventually learned that it’s better to stop cleaning up after everyone so they realise that they have to clean up after themselves. As soon as I stopped cleaning the oven and counters every morning and night, the girls I live with seemed to make more of effort to do it themselves.

Apply for jobs like they’re going out of fashion

When I moved to university last year, I was sureย that I was going to wait until I’d settled in properly to start applying for jobs. Three days into living in London, I was applying for so so many jobs. I hated the thought of not working and not having a source of income. I know a lot of people who really struggled to survive on their student loan within the first few months. If you’re bad at budgeting, I’d consider getting a part time job if I were you. That being said, don’t work so much that you can’t do your uni work because that totally beats the point of going to university in the first place…

Thanks for reading!

Let me know if you have any uni survival tips…

Ways you can reach me:

Bye for now,

Courteney x


20 responses to “University Survival Tips”

  1. Mum Avatar

    I shall take all the credit for you bring able to cook proper food x

  2. Claire Avatar

    All great tips! Particularly not cleaning up after other people OMG ๐Ÿ˜‚ x

  3. Angela Cardamone Campos Avatar

    This is a great post! I will be sure to pass it on to the college kids in my life!!

    1. courteneynoonan Avatar

      Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Cynthia @craftoflaughter Avatar
    Cynthia @craftoflaughter

    Great tips for the current student or the college bound. I’ll be sure to pass it on to those I know.

  5. Terri Steffes Avatar

    I totally love your mum’s comment. I’m a mum, too, of a 31 year old with her PhD. Her advice was similar. Since I graduated from college over 30 years ago, I don’t think my tips would help! Loved your post!

  6. Debra Avatar

    I love the tip for staying organized, I think that is so important in any stage of life!

  7. evakidminds Avatar

    Great tips! I would add that fitting fitness into your university life is a huge bonus too. Studies consistently show that students who workout get better grades!

  8. Rachel Catherine Avatar

    These are great tips. College can be such a fun time but it is challenging too.

  9. Kistin Avatar

    Giving yourself time to recharge is important for everyone. I need to remember that. Great tips for college kids and beyond!

    1. courteneynoonan Avatar

      Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. reesann723 Avatar

    my college days were long ago, but these are great tips! I missed homemade food the most during those days!

  11. almostindianwife Avatar

    These are all such great tips! It’s been a while since I”ve been in college, but I have a lot of cousins who are just about to enter into that phase of their lives. I’ll have to pass this along!

    1. courteneynoonan Avatar

      Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Robin Rue Avatar
    Robin Rue

    Making your room personal will make it seem more like home. I did this when I was in school and it definitely helped.

  13. Adaleta Avdic Avatar

    Man, I wish someone had these tips for me back in the day. I didn’t follow a lot of these and I never made true time for myself. Most of my time was always with friends, lots of working to make money for classes, and very little studying. I don’t know how I did it! Adaleta Avdic

    1. courteneynoonan Avatar

      I spent my first year doing loads of working and socialising! I’m in second year now though and I’ve really knuckled down ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Blythe Alpern (@blythea) Avatar

    I would also say to be a good roommate if you don’t live alone. Cleaning up your own mess and keeping your room clean can go along to make college life fun.

    1. courteneynoonan Avatar

      Yeah this is a good one! I live with 168 other students so being a good housemate is quite important ๐Ÿ™‚

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